since now the software only allows article body field, will it be possible so a random articles from a folder taken? Then we can use different article for different site rather using one version with spun text.
(12-09-2017, 03:33 PM)MrBoss Wrote: [ -> ]since now the software only allows article body field, will it be possible so a random articles from a folder taken? Then we can use different article for different site rather using one version with spun text.
It is in our plans to add this feature, to be able to upload your own articles and distribute them to whatever Web 2.0 link group you like.
Hi! Do you know when this feature will be available ?
(03-02-2018, 04:34 PM)rametring Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! Do you know when this feature will be available ?
We are working already for this and we will let you know.