Feature Suggestion - Status - Failed

My suggestion for an error creating an account or adding an posts.

If the status of domain failed (sample or similar: Element doesn't exist path: //button[@class="btn btn-success"][contains(text(),"Start building")]) - then the status is saved in the program - then cancels the addition in all campaigns where this domain occurs. + Possibility to send report to creators in the background.

Then, if there is an error correction update, the automatic creation option in each campaign is unlocked.

This will save money on captcha and proxy. And save time to make further attempts to add.

[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 09:56:44} Waiting 60 seconds to scrape email.
[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 09:57:44} Times up. Proceeding email scraping.
[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 09:57:46} Captcha found. Trying to solve...
[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 09:59:29} Captcha solved.
[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 10:00:27} Element doesn't exist path: //button[@class="btn btn-success"][contains(text(),"Start building")]
[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 10:00:27} Closing browser.
[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 10:00:32} Account creation failed.
[Task: Web 2.0 Blogs (16) T1] {12/03/2019 10:00:33} Task ended.


1. Attempting to add a blog / entry on: site123.com
2. If an error appears in the log: Element doesn't exist path: //button[@class="btn btn-success"][contains(text(),"Start building")]
3. Status shows failed.
4. Then subsequent attempts to add a blog / entry on the site123.com domain in all campaigns are marked as failed.
5. The report is sent.
6. If the update comes out error site123.com domain - then all campaigns unlocks the ability to add blog/posts.

In addition, when creating new campaigns. If the error has not been repaired. The site123.com domain is automatically marked as failed.

I hope you understand what I mean.

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